Transformation . . . changes in belief that lead to changes in behavior.
In this website you will discover truths that will change how you think about God.
You will not be told what to do. The focus is not on how you should behave differently. The focus is on what you should believe differently. Changing beliefs is the key to changing behavior.
Where do you start?
Begin with The Ten Commitments. They will give you a good foundation. Click the “Discover the Ten Commitments from God to You” button for written materials. Click the “Hopemail email messages” button to receive email resources.

Under “Resources” you will find a full list of materials. A short introduction to each resource will appear when you click on it. Click “Sermon downloads” and you will find a large number of audio messages. The “Blog” contains articles that answer questions a lot of us have had at one time or another.
What do you do when you have questions?
Hope Church is a place where it is okay to ask questions. Click on “Hope Community Church” in the menu to find out where, when and why we gather.