If you're interested in finding out more about any of these opportunities to serve, please contact the church office: info@sfhopechurch.com, 605-338-7649.
E-Prayer Team:
The e-Prayer Team exists to serve the body by providing immediate prayer coverage for urgent or emergency needs as well as requests that are on-going. Confidentiality is respected.
Facility Team:
This group focuses on repurposing, repairing and maintaining the interior and exterior of the buildings. The work is continuous. However, team members are not expected to help with each project.

Greeting Team:
All you need is a ready smile and an extra 20 minutes one Sunday per month to join this service group! Those serving in this ministry help people feel welcome and comfortable as they arrive for the Sunday service.
Grounds Team:
If you love working in the great outdoors, you'll enjoy this team! Tasks vary with the season. Team members can participate throughout the year or during the season of their choice.
Hospitality Team:
Members of this team strive to create a setting that supports the ministry of Hope by creating a welcoming, functioning environment. Volunteers make coffee on Sunday mornings and clean the building between services. Both postions (coffee and cleaning) are on a rotation basis.
If you have a heart for young children, and would like to help provide a safe and welcoming place for them at Hope, we have a place for you! Members of this team work on a once a month, or bi-monthly rotation.
Step into a classroom on Sunday morning and you’ll find a room full of activity, curiosity and potential! You’ll also find a number of volunteer opportunities. If you’d like to explore the possibility of becoming a teacher, assisting a teacher, helping with a production or working with a child who has unique needs, we would be happy to share more information.
Usher Team:
The duties of ushers include collecting and counting the offering and taking attendance each Sunday, representing approximately a 15 minute commitment. Each usher is scheduled to serve for a month at a time, rotating one month on and approximately two months off.