Hope Youth Group is a safe and fun place for middle and senior high school students to be part of something more. We believe God cares very much about youth and we try to reflect that here at Hope. Therefore, it is a wonderful place for kids to learn about God, devlop relationships with like minded peers, and have fun being involved in activities and other opporutunites. The overall goal of this group is to give our youth a solid foundation of the knoweldge of God in Christ, and to graciously come alongside them so they can be the men and women God has destined them to be.
Youth Ministry Coordinator: Travis Nordstrom
email: info@hopechurch.com
Meeting Information:
We meet on Wednesdays from 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm.
27213 473rd Ave., Sioux Falls, SD
*Please contact the church office at 338-7649
to confirm each week's schedule.