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Still At Work

As I walk around my neighborhood I see the young trees growing and I have an eerie realization that in all likelihood these trees will outlive me. It just doesn't seem right, it doesn't feel fair that a plant can live longer than a human. Our time here is limited and I often wonder what type of thoughts and memories will I leave behind? What will I be remembered for? What 'legacy' will I leave?

I've never been one to put heavy stock in the 'Nordstrom' name, but at times I think of my great grandfather who came from Sweden and is the patriarch of our family. I have other memories of him, but what I remember most is his thoughts on God, or lack there of rather. He wasn't a self-proclaimed atheist, but his views lined up with their beliefs. I remember my dad recalling his words saying, 'yep, when you die you go into a box and that's it!'

There was no God.

Just life, then death, then nothing

Interesting isn't it...the blood of this man is the same that runs through my and my father's veins.

I imagine my great grandfather would be quite surprised to hear that his grandson is an elder of a church and his great grandson leads, teaches, and writes about God. It's pretty amazing what God can do with a few generations isn't it? To turn a family from an atheist standpoint to a God loving and serving one...

So you see, even though God may seem absent or unaware...

He is in fact present.

He is working.

He does have a plan.

The thing is that we all have people, whether it be family or friends in our lives that we worry about. We worry they may be falling away from God. We worry they may get swallowed by the deception of this world.

But breathe...


And remember...

God is bigger than our worries.

God has a plan for you and for them.

...God is still at work.

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